Instituto de Ética RINRI

Putting RINRI into Practice and Creating a Healthy Family

RINRI Family Membership Organization is comprised of individual members of RINRI Institute of Ethics. With the common goal of developing a network of people working towards creating a healthy family, 110,000 members take part in learning the theory and practice of RINRI and are engaged in various activities to expand their network.


Ohayo (Good Morning) RINRI Course

A Fresh Day Starts with a Pleasant Morning Greeting

Ohayo RINRI Course is held at 530 venues across Japan every day from 5am. People of all ages participate in this course and start the day together with a pleasant Morning Greeting. While learning to become a morning person, participants learn tips for living a better life through the theory and practice of RINRI.


Lifelong Learning Seminar

Home Education for Lifelong Learning

We offer various kinds of seminars such as “Seminar for Husbands and Wives” and “Seminar for Seniors” catered to a wide range of age groups as a part of the “Lifelong Learning Seminar”.


Life RINRI Consultation

Finding Solutions to your Issues to Live a Fulfilling Life

A Researcher at RINRI Institute or a licensed “Life RINRI Consultant” member offers support through private consultations. We do the best we can to find solutions to various issues in life from the perspective of RINRI.


Child-rearing Seminar

Enjoying and Feeling Safe and Comfortable with Child-rearing

This Seminar is for expectant mothers and their husbands, as well as for parents with children from babies up to adolescents. Experienced Instructors will give detailed advise on child-rearing and talk about the necessary actions and attitudes, to provide solutions to various anxieties concerning child-rearing. Participants will share the hardships and joy of child-rearing through presentations and group discussions and learn about child-rearing in an enjoyable atmosphere.


Children’s RINRI Course

Cultivating the Hearts of Children

Courses are designed for elementary school children to learn how to greet, reply, clean up, and learn other basic customs in an enjoyable atmosphere through seasonal events and extracurricular activities. With the 3 pillars; “Learn”, “Play”, and “Discipline”, the program fosters rich sensibility, develops moral fiber, and supports children’s healthy growth and development.


Youth Development Program

Leading by Example

“Youth RINRI Course” (Study Group designed to deepen the understanding of RINRI and to polish up practical skills) and “Youth Forum” (Speech contests and Dance and Theater Performances) are held nationwide for single individuals between 13 and 28 years old. Every year, the Desert Greening Team is sent to the deserts in China, where youth from Japan and China sweat together in the activities and deepen their friendship through various events such as the Speech Tournament.


Seniors Activation Program

Let your Life Shine Forever

The “Senior Speech Tournament” is for the senior generation with rich life experience to share their views and beliefs they have fostered through their long years of studying the theory and practice of RINRI. The participants and audience together feel a strong sense of empathy and are greatly touched by the richness of their lives that have overcome much hardships and joy. The speeches give us the opportunity to learn about the source and drive for life beyond generations.


Family RINRI Lectures

Working Towards a Higher Level of Home Education

We offer lectures at more than 200 venues nationwide to advocate the importance of home education. We are committed to teaching how to create a healthy family and how to live a joyful life as a family, from the perspective of RINRI with reference to case studies.


Local Contribution Activities

Based in the Community and Improving the Community

We are actively engaged in projects designed to activate local communities and enhance the level of education such as; participating in local events, visiting Welfare facilities, and giving classes at elementary schools. We also promote activities that help improve the local communities, such as cleaning public spaces.

Overview of Cultural Activities

Akitsu Shodokai
(Akitsu Calligraphy Organization)

Akitsu Shodokai was established by Toshio Maruyama (Gago (pseudonym): Akitsu Chikuryo) in October 1938. The main objective of Akitsu Shodokai is to polish our hearts and elevate our spirits through the practice of calligraphy. There are 254 Akitsu schools all over Japan where about 3,800 members enjoy learning calligraphy. In the monthly “Akitsu Shodo” magazine calligraphy competition, 2,500 members submit their works every month and actively engage in cultivating their minds and skills through calligraphy.

Shikinami Tankakai
(Shikinami Tanka Organization)

Shikinami Tankakai was established in March 1946 by Toshio Maruyama.
The main goal of Shikinami Tankakai is to purify our daily lives and develop our individuality. There are 340 branches all over Japan, and about 5,600 members enjoy learning Tanka. In the monthly “Shikinami” magazine, 5,500 members submit their works every month.

Shikinami Children's Tanka Competition

Shikinami Children's Tanka Competition is designed for elementary school children throughout Japan as a part of our mission to contribute to the transmission of Japanese traditional culture. It has been held annually since 2005 as a means of providing opportunities for children to raise their verbal aptitude, cultivate an enriched humanness, and promote emotional development and moral education. During recent years, there have been about 65,000 applicants every year. (Supported by: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 37 private radio stations nationwide)